Happy Thanksgivukkah!!

Happy Thanksgivukkah!!

In the timeless words of Menachem Mike Fox:

Let us recall now, our heroes of old,
When darkness was all that our future foretold.
Did they lose their faith? Did their fire grow cold?
Chanukah’s message must always be told…

Lomir dermonen di heldishe teg
Ven undzer folk iz geshtanen baym breg
Tsi hitn dem flam? Tsi farlirn dem veg?
Lomir dermonen di Khanike teg…



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Dip the Apples in the Honey…

Wishing everyone Shana Tova for a Sweet New Year filled with Love, Good Health, Prosperity and Peace…


 And if you’re looking for a proudly progressive way to celebrate the season,  I’ll be leading holiday observances in a new location.

Please join me as we welcome 5774.

Rosh Hashone

WHEN:   10am – September 5th –

WHERE: B’nai Zion – 136 East 39th St, (bet Lex & 3rd)

Yom Kippur

WHEN:   10am – September 14th –

WHERE: WC/AR – 247 West 37th St, 5th fl (bet 7th-8th)

For more info, call the Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring at 212-889-6800, or just show up!

I hope to see you there!


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Remembering Adrienne, z”l…

Adrienne's Wedding Blessings

It is with a heavy heart and unbearable sorrow that the world now mourns the passing of our sister, Adrienne Cooper z”l.

She was my mentor, my surrogate mother, spiritual guide, partner in crime and a dear, dear friend.  Adrienne lives on through her music and her words, but our community will never be the same without her sweet smile, those sparkling eyes and her warm embrace.

As the Three Yiddish Divas, Adrienne, Tova and I traveled the world together – and each city was another adventure.  We made each other laugh, toasted our successes, shared our secrets and forged unique friendships.   As I share these pictures, the memories are a comfort in this time of incredible sadness.

Zol zi hobn a likhtikn gan-eydn.   
Kovod ir ondenk… may her memory be for a blessing.


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